Wordless - Ordlös (24)

Tags: wordless wednesday, tattoo, tatuering, japansk tatuering, foto, photo, japan
Paradox and confusion look great there!
nice art work...happy wordless wednesday
Nice design. Perfect!
Mine is up now. Hit me back if you can.
Happy WW!!
Love it!!! I was just thinking the other morning how I wish I had gone through and got a tattoo while I was in Japan. My good friend got a back piece, and she was in so much pain I chickened out. But now she has one she loves, and I have nothing!
Cool tat
Very cool! Awesome tattoo.
Wow great design work, and it looks like it turned out well. I wish I was brave enough to get a tattoo.
Happy WW, hope you'll visit my 14th WW...<a href="http://cafeendofuniverse.blogspot.com/2008/05/wordless-wednesday-14-tiny-terrors.html">Tiny Terrors</a> at <a href="http://cafeendofuniverse.blogspot.com/">The Cafe</a>.
Those are totally cool. I am thinking about getting a tatoo as well. Soon.
Not normally a fan of tattoos, but those are beautiful... a real work of art.