Rising from the dead
I thought this blog had seen its last day. But then I noticed over the last couple of weeks that it suddenly got a whole bunch of visitors. It went from 0 a day to around 20 to even more.. I have no idea why this is. But I feel I ought to give you something back. I am no longer participating in all the photo challenges that is out there. More or less because I can't find the time. However I might consider starting again. While I have a think about it here's something to keep you occupied. 400 or so pics from Iceland. Enjoy! :)
The move
It has finally happened. My new blog is up and running. It is all about my decision to leave Sweden and move back to Edinburgh for good. And since I discovered the advantages of Flickr this photo blog will be put to sleep. Please come visit me HERE(blog) and HERE(photos) instead.
See you! :)

No tags today.
PixieKatten is brewing a new special something..
After discovering the world of blogs a while ago I was very happy indeed to hang around this site and update my page as part of different photo communites. But as time went by I slowly got bored. Not bored with blogging and of course not with my beloved photies. But bored with the limitation of the page. I wanted more. I decided to get more. So me is building a brand new web site. It's taking a bit longer than exected. I guess working on it will be a bit more tempting as soon as summer is gone. No more trips to beach standing in my way then.
So until the PixieKatten site is up and running this blog is more or less put on hold..

Happy summer everyone!!! :o)
So until the PixieKatten site is up and running this blog is more or less put on hold..

Happy summer everyone!!! :o)
The Chimney (S.W.F 17 & Wordless 104)
Darth Vader up close (Ruby Tuesday & Wordless 103)
Kibitka (Monochrome Monday & Wordless 102)
Stumps (S.W.F 16 & Wordless 101)
L is for Lamppost a la Narnia (Abc Wednesday & Wordless 100)

Photo is a part of


Tags: Warsaw, Łazienki Królewskie, Royal baths park, narnia, abc wednesday, wordless wednesday, poland, travel, resa, foto


Tags: Warsaw, Łazienki Królewskie, Royal baths park, narnia, abc wednesday, wordless wednesday, poland, travel, resa, foto
The Horse (Wordless 99, Ruby Tuesday & TisdagsTema)

Vardagslyx - en helg i Warsawa

Tags: warsaw, ruby tuesday, tisdagstema, wordless wednesday, photo, foto
The 'Do not' signs (Monochrome 5, Oddshot & Wordless 98)

Photos are a part of:

Tags: warsaw war museum, poland, resa, travel, foto, wordless wednesday, monochrome monday, monday oddshot

Tags: warsaw war museum, poland, resa, travel, foto, wordless wednesday, monochrome monday, monday oddshot
Sky over the Malmö canal (S.W.F 15 & Wordless 97)
As time goes by some songs remain the same..
Z if for Zoo?? (Abc Wednesday + Wordless 96)

Winter morning in 'Skåne' (S.W.F 14)

For more great sky pics - visit:

Pic also a part of:

To read about Skåne - click here.
Tags: skywatch friday, skåne, scania, sweden, foto, canon, wordless wednesday
W is for Wall (Abc Wednesday & Wordless 94)

Read about the Xian City Wall HERE.
Photos are a part of:


Tags: China, Xian, Kina, Resa, Travel, foto, canon, abc wednesday, wordless wednesday
Photos are a part of:


Tags: China, Xian, Kina, Resa, Travel, foto, canon, abc wednesday, wordless wednesday