2 Versions of The Marble Boat (Wordless 65)

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Tags: china, beijing, summer palace, kina, resa, wordless wednesday, ordlös onsdag

Tags: china, beijing, summer palace, kina, resa, wordless wednesday, ordlös onsdag
Postat av: Mojo
Very cool shots. I'm partial to the monochrome one myself, it seems to fit the age of the subject better. But that's just me.
Amazing how something like that will float, <i>na</i>? Here at the engineering school at NC State University they have a "Concrete Canoe Race" every fall. Teams of students form canoes out of ordinary structural concrete and ... race them. Proving over and over that Archemides was right: If it displaces more than its weight of water, it will float.
Nicely done!
Thanks for stopping by!
<a href="http://mojo11.blogspot.com/2008/08/wordless-wednesday-and-thematic.html">- Mojo</a>
Postat av: CatSynth
Very impressive, both as a work of art and engineering.
Postat av: Sabina
Jätte vackert!