C is for Crowds (Abc Wednesday)

Tags: abc wednesday, crowds, edinburgh, fringe, festival, royal mile, foto, resa
I like crowds, depending on their reasons. On a good rock concert, it's great. But in the subway, alas... Great C choice!
Kisses from Nydia.
Arghhhhhhhhhh! Crowds. Not a place for me I'm afraid! But you certainly captured the atmosphere.
Looks like the crowd was having a good time...
That young lady in the short skirt (in the first photo) is a real "c"utie!
I'm not keen on crowds but a good choice for th theme.
What a clever choice for the letter C.
Nice photos.
Bear((( )))
i'm not keen on crowds either, but at least they all seem to be enjoying themselves!
These crowds don't look too menacing but. . .this is a great choice for today's letter. Plus I got to see a bit of Edinburgh. Thanks for sharing!
I noticed there are no cars in the roads. Did you plan it that way, or are cars not allowed in this part of the city?
Awesome old buildings!
Tink ~~
<a href="http://MyMobileAdventures.blogspot.com">My Mobile Adventures ~~</a>
Jag är inte heller mycket för folksamlingar som du vet... Springer hellre åt andra hållet! Men fina foton:)
Nice set of pictures. The buildings around the people are beautiful too.
My ABC Weds. contribution is <a href="http://chanphengjournal.blogspot.com/2008/08/abc-weds-cs.html">here</a>. Hope you enjoy it!
beautiful captures!