F is for Fringe Flyers (Abc Wednesday)

During the Edinburgh Fringe there were 1000s of flyers being handed out all over town.. some were also put on this fence.. and a whole lot ended up at the ground.. I can't help wondering if anyone is giving the environmental aspect a thought at all.. after all it is quite a waste of paper and trees..

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Postat av: Leslie

You certainly have a good point about the mess and possible waste of paper. I hope it was a great festival and you had a lot of fun! :D

Postat av: ellen b

It would be interesting to be in edinburgh for this festival...

Postat av: ShutterHappyJenn

True. Most people won't really read it anyway. I just hope the papers are of recyclable materials so it can be used in making other things.

I played, too! My "F" photo is up <a href="http://shutterhappenings.blogspot.com/2008/08/f-fountain.html">here</a>.

2008-08-27 @ 03:21:31
URL: http://shutterhappenings.blogspot.com
Postat av: kim from hiraeth

Now THAT's a lot of flyers! And a lot of litter!

2008-08-27 @ 03:29:45
URL: http://hiraeth.squarespace.com
Postat av: Cabacurl

The Fringe at the festival seems to unearth such great talent too. But I agree with the awful mess being made on the ground with all the flyers ,and, as you point out, the waste of paper printing off flyers that are never read.

2008-08-27 @ 05:27:25
URL: http://cabacurl.blogspot.com
Postat av: chrome3d

Think about the jobs in the paper industry! ...No, most of the stuff that´s printed on paper is simply waste as soon as it comes out of the printer. Whose going to catch anything meaningful from that messy pile?

2008-08-27 @ 07:38:43
URL: http://chrome3d.blogspot.com/
Postat av: magiceye

thoughtful post

2008-08-27 @ 09:15:32
URL: http://mumbai-eyed.blogspot.com/
Postat av: marlow

This are beautiful shots, you captures it

It looks chaotic beautiful, i love it

Happy "F" day

2008-08-27 @ 10:34:05
URL: http://dailysaarbruecken.blogspot.com/
Postat av: Donald Kinney

Interesting photos, but yes, a lot of that stuff goes to waste...

2008-08-27 @ 10:42:08
URL: http://aphotoaday.blogspot.com
Postat av: Denise Nesbitt

Yes a very good point. Environmental issues are very much of the trend at the moment, so if the Edinburgh Festival is the place to be, the environment should be the cause to support.

Thanks for your contribution.

2008-08-27 @ 10:53:49
URL: http://mrsnesbittsplace.blogspot.com/
Postat av: Liz

That's very true about the environmental aspect of it. I would love to get to the Festival one day.

2008-08-27 @ 14:17:32
URL: http://liz-and-harvey.blogspot.com
Postat av: BearNaked

Very interesting choice for ABC Wednesday letter F.

But oh so very sad indeed.

Bear((( )))

2008-08-27 @ 16:38:19
URL: http://wwwbearnaked.blogspot.com/
Postat av: Tommy V

love the post and "F"

2008-08-27 @ 17:38:39
URL: http://coloradodeer.com
Postat av: katney

Quite an interesting flyer foto. I must look up the "Fringe." I don't know what it is--a Festival I imagine.

2008-08-28 @ 04:33:01
URL: http://www.katneyskaboodle.blogspot.com
Postat av: Anonym

true. those are indeed a lot of flyers, a lot of paper.

2008-08-30 @ 06:07:30
URL: http://haiku-poems-blog.blogspot.com/

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