Hutongs of Beijing

Some were not...

..maybe because they weren't located in a 'touristy' area...
Read more about Huntongs here! (In English)
Tags: ruby tuesday, tisdagstema, beijing, peking, hutong, resa, foto, china, kina
tur att det blir något gammalt orört kvar!
Tack för kommentaren!
Vilken skillnad. Det måste ha kostat att snygga till inför OS.
Klart det snyggades upp inför olympiaden men bakom kulisserna fick de vara som det brukar. Snygga foton. Tack för kommentaren hos mig. Ha de gott!
Well... they did a nice job on the first one.
You did a nice job on both!
<a href="">- Mojo</a>
a shame everyone couldn't prosper from the Olympic spirit.
I read that some neighborhoods were destroyed to make room for venues.
I think they did the same in Atlanta. It would be hard to redo a whole city. Interesting pictures!
During the Olympics coverage here in the US, hutongs were a "local color" feature one evening. I think it would be cool to live in a hutong provided it was chiefly my family living so close around me. Perhaps that's how they were originally conceived - relatives, relatives, everywhere!
Was good to see you back blogging - your absence from the blogosphere was felt!
Tink ~~*
Fin tolkning. Fina foton!