Beer is Art! (Wordless 44)

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Tags os, olympics, shanghai, china, kina, wordless wednesday, art, konst, foto, photo, beer, öl
Very interesting. Advertising and thrust quenching all in one. It's nice see dual purpose art.
Haha! Fan, va cool!!
I truly love this! You know, you could enter that on Ruby Tuesday too - Check it out!
Tink ~~
<a href="">My Mobile Adventures ~~</a>
This is an interesting and different kind of a shot
What an incredible shot! Fascinating! Well done!
What a great use for beer cans! Great Ruby Tuesday offering.
Gee, this certainly could have been a Ruby Tuesday post! Excellent! Come back next Tuesday! :)
Yes to the reddish sculpture and the greyish background, but did anyone notice the two men on the ground behind the sculpture? What's up there? Are they playing a game? Scrabble? Certainly they seem more occupied with the ground than with the red beer canned sculpture.
Sweet! Beer! Sweet!