T is for Tree Tower

Fortunately there were no elks nor hunters within sight that day! Good thing for a vegetarian like myself!
Tags: abc wednesday, jakttorn, tower, nature, natur, forest, foto, photo, nybro, sweden
Isn't that called a blind or something? nor for me, thanks but really great shot!
Mine is up <a href="http://nevadailyphoto.blogspot.com">here</a> and <a href="http://letmebeblunt.blogspot.com">here</a>.
Tree Tower is for killing animals or humans they look like animals. I dont know?;)
Happy "T"-day
I'm sure you had much more fun on your own (or anyway, with only one companion!)
Yeah, I brought my camera (wo)man for protection.. not too keen on walking in the woods on my own. Too many snakes around. And even wild boars.. not to mention the riffle carrying humans.. They scare me most of all.
Är det älgar du spejar på eller …?
That doesn't look very stable! I'm glad you survived the climb!
Dette bildet minner meg om The 70show der Erik og faren er ute i skogen og jakter:)
Artige bilder!
<a HREF="http://petuniablogg.blogspot.com">Petunia's ABC</a>
When I was in your country or in Norway I would have loved to see an elk and this tree tower is a perfect hiding! Good photo.