The Horse (Wordless 99, Ruby Tuesday & TisdagsTema)

Vardagslyx - en helg i Warsawa

Tags: warsaw, ruby tuesday, tisdagstema, wordless wednesday, photo, foto
Postat av: jams O'Donnell
Wonderful shot. That is a beautiful building
Postat av: Gunnel
DET är vardagslyx det! Fin bild!
Postat av: prkl
Old city, old buildings and old time tranportation. Horse looks like it might be posing for you but those yellow/violet whutevas might be the real intrest. They make me think någonting helt annat but wouldn't say what. Happy RT! :)
Postat av: Anya
Beautiful shot I like it :)))
Postat av: Judy
I love this picture. I've only been in a carriage ride once and it was nothing like this horse and carriage.
Postat av: Joanne
Happy WW Ü Nice shot ;) Very European :)
Postat av: Raven
What a wonderful photo. I love the architecture of these old buildings and the way they're painted. And the horse and carriage add just that extra special something.
Postat av: Lori
Wow...beautiful. Happy WW:)