The ceremony of compulsory rice eating (OddShot)

Tags: odd shots on a monday, japan, nikko, gohhan-shiki, resa, foto
Now that is VERY odd ....
whole new meaning to egg fried rice
Now that is one huge bowl of rice -- almost looked like big scoop of ice cream! Come and see my odd shot.
No that is a briliinat find. Perfectly odd.
Interesting tradition with the bowl of rice.
It looks too round to be true. That rice must have been glued to a ball or something.
Here in the USA, we don't have eating ceremonies, we have eating contests. Like, who can eat the most pie or the most hot dogs. Instead of good health and fortune, you get probably a belly ache and a wee bit of cash. :D
Tink ~~*
PS - sorry I have not been around much - was visiting family in NY and had to cut it short to deal with a bad tropical storm back home. Still getting some fallout from the storm today with intermittent squalls. So, I have lots of blog-reading to catch up on!
I thought the tradition of over-eating was a strictly American thing.
I wuld think that odd if I passed it on the street. Thank you for explaining why it was there.