Odd Shot on a Mountain
Somewhere in China I went to see this odd shaped and huge 'rock'. The biggest in the world of its kind. You think you know what it can be..? Feel free to have a guess and pls leave a comment. Answer is found at the bottom of this entry...

For more odd shots - pls visit:

Full image of the odd rock is found HERE!
Tags: monday odd shots, china, kina, foto, photo, resa, travel
Postat av: East Gwillimbury WOW!
It's an image of sticky buns, isn't it? LOL
Postat av: Troy Mullens
OK. it's very odd.
Our odd shot is found <a href="http://troyandmartha.blogspot.com/2008/07/art-in-nature.html">Here</a>.
Come visit,
Troy and Martha
Postat av: Tink *~*~*
I can't believe how long it must have taken just to carve the top of his head!
Tink ~~*