Last hours in Chengdu
When I 2 hours later got of the bus somewhere in LeShan I never even got a second to wonder where I was going next. A man walked passed me with a chinese tour group and offered that for 2yuan I could go with them to there east gate which was one entrance to the Buddha through the Oriental Buddha Park. I didnt think twice but jumped in his minibus and off we went. When reaching the destinantion I realised for real which impact the earthquake had and still has. The mountain was completely empty. We were about 20 people there that kept passing eachother every now and then. What a strange feeling that was. To have the place sometimes all to myself and my thoughts. I think that made the experience even more magical. I hiked for about 1,5hour when I suddenly saw something weird poking up infront of me. It was the Buddhas hair. And there he was. The biggest Buddha in the world. I will not try to explain how gigantic he is. I'll wait until I got pics ro show you. After a few more hours of walking up and down stairs I suddenly felt the illness slowly returning and I didnt want to take another step. Then my lifesaver showed up from nowhere. A guy on his pedicab (cycling taxi) waved at me and yelled if I needed to go to the bus back to Chengdu. Now that is luck. About 20min later I was on the shabbiest bus I ever seen but at least I was heading back home. I love China.
Last night Maria left around 9pm to go on her river cruise and myself Im heading for Luoyang this afternoon. We're meeting up in Beijing on the 1st of July. Think it is good for us both to do something on our own. It has gone surprisingly well between us but some alone time is precious for both of us.
Time for me to check out. Have a big meal before I get on that 24hours train to Luoyang and my Longmen Caves and the Shaolin temple. Until next time, lots of love and kisses,
Nanjing, the Yellow Mountain & Xian!

Tags: kina, china, foto, photo, travel, resa, nanjing, xian, terracotta army
Shanghai & Suzhou Pix!!!
Tags: shanghai, china, suzhou, foto, kina, photos
Hail to alla datanordar!!!
Tack vare datagenierna pa detta hostel sa har endast 3 bilder utav over 500st gatt forlorade ifran den rispiga cd:n. De holl pa i eveigheter och trixade och lyckades radda nastan alla. Idag, eller rattare sagt inatt nar alla sover sa ska jag gora ett nytt forsok att ladda upp! Hall tummarna att internet ar kraftigt nog. Det lar ta tid men upp ska dem! ;o)
Chengdu ar bokat! Hurra!
Xian Terracotta Warriors (a k a BUY BUY BUY)
Rest of the thing we did on the daytrip (a tour through the hostel) was visiting the workshop were souvenir terracotta soldiers in all sizes were made. Also a silk factory. But these two were just disguised opportunities for the place to sell us their merchandise. Even the lunch place which were supposed to be good local food were held at a international hotel with a buffe and then the staff tried to get us to buy paintings. Extremely tiring but that's China for you. If they can make an extra buck they will sure as try to!
Tomorrow it is time to explore a bit more of Xian. I did it for a bit after the daytrip but Maria is ill with a sore throat and fever so hopefully she can join me tomorrow. I of course got lost (again) after my visit to the Great Wild Goose Pagoda and myself went out on a wild goose chase. Ending in me hopping on a bus after asking 3-4 people where the heck South Gate is. Never ever trust a chinese map! In both Japan and Korea I been doing real good with maps but here it is better just to head out and then use a bus or cab to get back home.
My tummy is moaning at me so I guess it's feeding time. Think I deserve a cold beer aswell after my afternoon in the rain. (Dear sun, where o where art thou?)
Kisses to all!
Tags: china, kina, xian, terracotta army, terrakotta armén, underverk, resa, travel
Reporting from Xian
We left Tunxi and Mt Huangshan about three nights ago. Not too impressed with what was supposed to be the most beautiful mountain in China. Expensive.. touristy and so so so WET!! We were drenched cats after only an hour. Wet from the inside out. And the fog made it impossible to see almost anything. So we left Huangshan in the early afternoon (after a mental minibus drive where they circled for an hour around the mounatin to fish up more people to go to Tunxi.. Just opned the window and yelled TUNXI!!?? Back att the hostel we had some beers with a group of people that all agreed to come with us to Huangzhou (might be spelt wrong). This place is supposed to be heaven on earth. Real beautiful. I got to see the lake but missed out on the Felai Feng cliffs with the laughing Buddha. Just a bit to tired to be a tourist. Hanging out with people was greater fun just then. It was me, Maria, the norweigian man, a guy from Finland, one american and of course our sweet korean friend Pauline.
Xian sofar has been real good. Love the walls and gates. Hostel is fresh and got great service wich sofar hasnt been tip top in China. First hostel in Beijing even tried to get more money from us by saying we checked in a day earlier than we had done. Luckily I had the flight info printed out to show that we were not even in the country when they said we had arrived. Tomorrow awaits the terracotta warriors and then last day we're doing the sights in Xian. After that we leave for Chengdu and I cant even start to say how happy I am to get to go there and also to :Leshan to see the giant Buddha. The area has been open for tourism for a couple of weeks and there was no way I thought I was goin to be able to go there at all.
Now however I am off to bed. Even though I spent most of the train ride here sleepin I am still knackered. Until next time, lotsa love,
Infor Gula Berget
Klubben visade matchen mellan Sverige och Spanien pa en storskarm men nar vi ville kolla sa blev var nye kinesiske kamrat mycket purken och ville att vi skulle med till nasta klubb. Vi insag att han inte skulle lata oss komma undan sa vi gjorde toalett-tricket och rymde till en annan bar dar vi kunde titta i fred. I ca 10minuter for sen var det ilfart i en taxi for lilla blonda damen hade fatt nagra shots for manga. Jaja, sa kan det ga nar man ska gora som kineserna gor. Vi hade iallafall en underbart kul kvall. Scarlet var ett hip hop stalle och coolare manniskor har jag aldrig skadat. Ibland steg nagon upp pa en scen och korde lite kinesisk rap medan dj'n korde beats i bakgrunden.
Igar kopte vi tagbiljetter till Huangshan, dvs Gula Berget, dar vi ska klattra uppfor just det gula berget. Ca 8km upp och 8km ner. Pa vagen finns tempel, pagodas och en massa skon natur. Hoppas det inte regnar. Borjar bli aningen trottsamt att vara konstant vat men det ar val sant man far ta nar man backpackar under regnperioden, haha..
Igar delade jag och Maria pa oss och medan hon gick en tur pa stan och drack kaffe sa tog jag en promenad till ett tempel och sen vandrade jag langs med den uraldriga stadsmuren och promenerade runt Xuanwu sjon som ligger i stan alldeles intill Purpurberget. Det var valdigt vackert men hade sakert varit annu vackrare i solsken. Mycket imponerande var de gigantiska portarna som satt insprangda i muren.
Nar jag kom hem sa tog jag en valbehovd het dusch, sen vilade jag en stund och efter det at jag middag med en kinesisk kille pa rummet. Han gav mig varldens skramselhicka. Han bestallde in all mat, ca 7 ratter, och nar jag undrade vad kottet vi at var (allt annat var vegetariskt vilket var snallt av honom) sa svarade han hund. Jag holl pa att kola av. Men efter en stund skrattade han hjartligt och sa att det var en Nanjing specialite, en ratt pa anka. Det hjalpte dock inte for min del utan jag holl mig till de vegetariska mumsigheterna och sen fick Maria ankan i en doggybag...
Klockan 16 i eftermiddag tar vi taget. Ca 7timmars resa till Huangshan. Forhoppningsvis vantar Pauline pa oss dar. Hade varit kul att traffa henne igen. Alltid kul nar man skapar nya vanskapsband. Det ar otroligt hur mycket olika manniskor man traffar. Pa hostellet har i Nanjing ar vi 6st svenskar for tillfallet vilket ar helt galet. I rummet finns ocksa en mormon, en tokig kines vars mat stinker hundmat och sa han som jag kakade middag med igar och som nyss flyttat tillbaka till Nanjing efter 13 ar i Singapore. Man har rakat pa den unga bohemen som tar dagen som den kommer och reser utan nagra planer alls. Den allvetande fransmannen som alskade sin egen rost pa tok for mycket. Och sa kanadensaren som bott i Kina i 6 manader och bara verkade ata MacDonalds eller Pizza Hut. En salig rora. Skoj!
Nu ska jag ta mig ut och ata frukost. Skulle egentligen gatt upp tidigt och fatt se nagra saker innan vi lamnar Nanjing men jag kande att jag behovde en morgon att ta det lugnt och sova langre och smalta allt vi gjort. Orkar inte stressa och gora en massa bara for att man ska.
Pussar och kramar till alla!
The Chivas Regal & Green Tea Experience
A short little entry before we're leaving Nanjing for Tunxi and to climb the Huangshan, a k a Yellow Mountain. Hopefully Pauline is meeting us there. Would be cool to see her again. Last night was just brilliant. We grabbed some filled pita bread on the street before hopping into a cab. The 1912 area was great. A block of bars and clubs which had anything from country music to chinese hip hop. We ended up at a place called Scarlet which we had had recommended to us by the annoying canadian guy at our hostel in Shanghai. But since he was a Pizza Hut kinda a guy we didnt expect much from the place and at first it didnt look like we were staying after finishing our bottles of Carlsberg (cheapest beer everywhere because of the footie games I guess). But then a young chinese guy came up to our table and asked us to join his table downstairs. Thinking we had nothing to loose we went with him. And that was the best choice ever. A guy did some chinese rap on a stage and the crowd was wild. Later when a dj took over a gal and 2 boys got up on the stage and did the craziest dance moves I ever seen. Didn't honestly expect that the coolest people I'd ever lay my eyes on would be chinese.
The brew was flowing and this is the first time I gotten tipsy on fine Chivas Regal mixed with green tea. It was actually quite nice and very easy to down. After a while me and Maria got strongly affected by the loud grooves and when another fab chinese girl grabbed the mic and started rapping we danced like mad at the table.
Further in the room was a big screen TV and they were showing the game between Sweden and Spain. But when we wanted to watch the game the chinese lad who had invited us to his table wanted to leave for another club and suddenly we realised we had become 'his girls'. He wouldn't let us stay to cheer for Sweden. Also Maria had made some new friends by the screen that fed her whisky on the rocks and this later resulted in one extremely drunk swedish lassie. Realising we had to made a run for it we did the 'we need the toilet' act and instead ran through the exit doors and around the corner and into nearest bar. Which was a sportsbar playing REMs Losing my religion on repeat. Maria made it about 10minutes in there then it was a cab drive back to the hostel and many laughs for me as she was very very funny doing her Honky Tonk dances and talking nonsence. Yep one could definately tell it was two teachers to be that were out for a boogie session.. 29 acting 18.. isn't life wonderful.. haha! ;)
However I do look forward to moving on and to see some natur scene. Apparently Yellow Mountain is amazing and I could do with some exercise. 7,5km climb up and same down - and that is the easy route.
No pics today either as I don't trust the computers here. Was goin to give it another go as I can't stand machines wining the match but I had a look at the cd and it looks quite scratched. Scared that the cd drive is eating the discs and who knows, maybe it ruined my pics already which would be a shame since I already erased like 200 of them from my camera. Oh well.. still plenty of places to see and tons of pics to take.. Just next time I will remember to bring my cable for the camera.. One lives to learn.
Ok, Im off to the trainstation to book train tickets and then heading for a visit to the museum of the Nanjing massacre. Take care all and lotsa love!
Tags: china, kina, nanjing, 1912, whisky and green tea, clubbing in china, travel, kina, resa
A letter from Nanjing
(For svenskt inlagg - aterkom senare.. inga foton idag heller eftersom maskinerna pa internet cafeet inte tar cd skivor.. sanslost!!)
Here I am in an Internet cafe in Nanjing to upload pictures to show you people how amazing this country is but it seems it just won't happen. In the first hostel the computers broke down. In the second one the computers die every time I try to upload and in this cafe the computers doesnt have a thingie for cds. So I'll do my best to paint you a pictures in my own words.
I been in China for a week now and the first 5 days in Shanghai were amazing. We saw temples and amazing gardens and it's killing me I cant show the pictures! I love this country and the Chinese are nothing like I expected. I feel safe and they're friendly and I must say that the men here are fantastic. They take care of the kids and apparently they clean and cook and the wives can just relax and be ladies.. now that's impressing.
Shanghai was kind of dirty but still unbelievable. The view from the Bund was a space age dream landscape and then not far from it is an old old garden which took our breath away. Me and Pauline ( a korean gal we made friends with at the hostel) made a daytrip to Suzhou but unfortunately Maria had to spend the day in bed. Her feet had swollen up and ached and itched so she couldn't walk. We're quite certain that it was the dirty rain water flowing down the streets and there we were walking around in flip flops.. not a good idea.
It's funny how they stare at us and point and take pictures. We feel like caged monkeys from time to time. It's not subtle stares.. people hang out of their windows at cars, trains and sometimes even come back a second time to have another look at us. We been photographed plenty of times and mothers stop with their children and point at us for them to see the strange white people. Also Marias blonde hair doesnt make it any easier to blend in.. haha..
We met plenty of great people. I have already mentioned Pauline and besides her there's been some real good people at the hostels. Also some extremely annoying ones of course. But so far I am very happy with the trip. I still find it hard to bargain. Mostly because things are so cheap anyway and it makes me feel so rude to want things even cheaper. But I guess I have to work on that. It's just the way things go here. But prices never stops to amaze me. Today me and Maria had 'breakfast' (we were quite hungover and it was after 1pm) at a cute little place with waiters that wouldnt stop giggling at us. We got a giant hotpot with potatoes and duck.. side dishes with cooked crayfish, watermelon, steamed beans, rice and as much tea as we could down.. All for 45 yuan which is next to nothing for two people.. about 4 british pounds and 6 US dollars.. And it was sooooo tasty!! Yeah the whole veggie thingie here doesnt go too well... They speak no english and when we order we kinda just point at something on the menu and hope for the best. Just have to put my guilty conscience aside at the moment and get back on track in Sweden..
Right so since I dont have any pictures to amaze you with I will now return to the hostel.. get Maria and head out for another crazy night in Nanjing. Last night ended in a sports bar (that will show Sweden play football tomorrow.. YAY!!) and then some REAL UNBELIEVABLY hot BBQ from a street vendor and then to a r'n'b-ish club. Good Friday night. Tonight we're off to the 1912 district which is a stylish bar and club area so that should be good. Think I'll keep away from the street food tonight.. hehe..
Okidoki that's it for now.. Lots a love!
Tags: china, nanjing, 1912, clubbing, hostel, travel, kina, resa, backpacking
The Shanghai Story
Vi har besokt flera tempel och min favorit var Longhua, det aldsta i staden. Typiskt nog dog mitt kamerabatteri den dagen och osmart nog sa hade jag extra batteriet o min backpack inne pa hostellet. Suck!! Men jag fick lana Marias sa det blev anda dokumenterat. Bade Maria och pauline pastar att jag skulle kunna bli fotograf for att mina bilder blir sa sjukt snygga.. haha..en vadigt fin komplimang.. jag skulle dock vilja saga att min goda van Canon har ett finger med i spelet.
Nu har vi dock lamnat Shanghai och befinner oss i Nanjing. Trots att vi bara varit har o nagra timmar sa ar jag redan galen i staden. Det ligger nagot i luften som gor det till en mycket speciell stad. Det ar fredagkvall och forhoppningsvis sa blir det partaj med mannen som jag och Maria delar rum med.. ganska fina bagge tva.. hehe!
Nu kommer folk och koar till datorn so I better go... Ska forsoka ta mig till internetcafe imorgon sa jag kan babbla pa mera och beratta mer detaljerat om hur det ar att vara apa i bur (japp dem stirrar och fotograferar oss HELA tiden!) Tills nasta gang - pussar och kramar!!!
Ni far ursakta att det inte blev nagra bilder men datorn vagrar laffa upp dem.. sorry!!!
Tags: shanghai, kina, longhua, tempel, resa, nanjing, suzhou
12h till Check-In
Detta blir en mini-inlägg. Håller på att packa mitt handbagage och sen ska jag fixa mig lite kvällsmat, kolla på nått avsnitt av Eureka och sen sova för att kunna va någorlunda pigg när jag kravlar till Malmö Central klockan 06.10 imorgon. Pratade med Maria och hon liksom jag själv lider av brutalt illamående. Så var det med det. Om ca 14timmar sitter jag på flyget på väg till Shanghai och har påbörjat en månads backpacking. För ett tag sen var det månader tills vi skulle åka - plötsligt förvandlades dem till ett halvt dygn tills dagen D. Tokigt vad tiden går. Puss och kram till alla jag känner (och inte känner, haha).. nästa gång vi hörs så rapporterar jag på plats i Kina! ♥ |
A mini entry before I make myself some supper, get comfy on the sofa for a couple of episodes of Eureka and then off to bed to try to catch some sleep before d-day. At 10am tomorrow we're boarding our flight from Copenhagen to Amsterdam and then from there to Shanghai and a month of backpacking and craziness.. My brain is fried and I really can't think of that much to say!
Hugs and kisses to all - next time you hear from me I'll be reporting from China. Whoopdeedooo! ♥

Ett sista tack till mamma för att du passar min söta Pixiekatt! /
A last thanks to mum for looking after my adorable Pixiecat!
Tags: kina, china, resa, travel, avfärd, departure, resfeber, foto
Tale of Two Sisters (wordless 39)

Tags: wordless wednesday, syskon, systrar, sisters, foto, photo
A Well Shot on S.W.F 02
My Sky Watch photo is taken at the grounds of the medieval castle of Kalmar in Sweden. What you see is the top bit of the old well standing on the castle grounds.

Tags: sky watch friday, kalmar, medieval, foto, photo, brunn, well, medeltida, sweden
Att tämja sin oro (How to tame worries)
Ojojoj.. jag mår aningen illa.. oron ringlar sig från benmärgen, genom nerverna, ut i blodet, upp i hjärnan och vidare genom alla lemmar tills den når fingrar och tår där den ligger som pirr och små elektriska stötar. Alla 'tänk om' tankar har bosatt sig innanför pannbenet och det enda som hjälper mot dem är styrketårar och sockertillförsel utan dess like. Full vill jag inte supa mig så jag satsar på sockret. En stor påse godis väntar på mig. Godis och film. Ungefär vad min hjärna klarar av. Imorgon ska jag lämna av Pixie hos mamman. Det är så fint att jag har henne och att hon utan en min tar emot Pixie när jag är ute och far och flyger. Man är lyckligt lottad när människor ställer upp utan att be om saker i gengäld. Nog för att jag mer än gärna ställt upp tillbaka! Ikväll var jag på Yukai med Quidy. Han käka sushi men jag tog för ovanlighetens skull något annat. Eftersom jag inte äter fisk längre så känns sushi inte lika lockande längre. Så jag tog något annat som i Japan är min stora favorit men som jag hittills aldrig ätit i Sverige (ute.. lagar det hemma ofta). Nämligen udon-nudlar. Beställde wokad udon med friterad tofu och grönsaker och det var himlans gott. Lätt att jag ska äta det igen! Yum! Nu ska jag dock försöka lugna nerverna med lite domning av hjärncellerna - TV är ordet. |

I feel slightly ill. The travel bug is eating me from the inside. It wants to leave at this second. No more waiting. The waiting feeds the worries. Making them stronger. Bigger. No matter how many times I keep telling myself all will go well the worries lies there in my subconsciousness - probably enjoying themself greatly. I think that's what the belly aches are. It's the worries poking my guts with a stick. This evening me and my flatmate went to Yukai for a wee byebye-dinner.. and for once I didn't go for sushi. Being a veggie kinda makes it a bit less appealing. Rice with veg - not that exciting. I went for udon noodles instead. I never had that in a restaurant in Sweden before.. I have udon at home quite a lot.. with miso.. and I absolutely love it in Japan. And it was really nice at Yukai aswell. Wok-fried udon with veg and deepfried tofu.. yum! Lovely. Will definately have that again. Now it is time for me to do a brain numbing act. TV is the word! No more thinking. I'm putting the worries to sleep with braindead tele and a big bag of sweets! No worries can ever survive a full on sugar rush. Ha! ♥ |
Tags: resfeber, travel, oro, worries, udon, yukai, malmö, japanese food, sushi
Wordless - Ordlös (38)

Tags: wordless wednesday, malmö, malmo, folkets park, sweden, ferris wheel, pariserhjul, foto, photo
Fun! (Thursday Challenge)

Theme: FUN!

Fun times at the wedding reception:
Me dancing with the bride on her big day! And what a day it was! ♥
Tags: thursday challenge, wedding, bröllop, foto, photo, brud, bride
Olidliga väntan! (The waiting is the hardest part!)
Right... I'm almost done packing. I've charged the batteries for my camera. The 'mix tape' is close to perfection.. I exchanged my swedish money to yuan.. I think I'm ready to roll.. Two days to go.. Agony is the word! Me wants to hit China now! The living room's been a mess while I decided what to bring or not.. The whole packing business tied knots on my already tingling nerves.. Needed to straighten them out. Luckily I had some korean soju left from G's visit. Just what I needed on a night like this! Cheers! ♥ |

Nu ska jag dock sova. Eller försöka. Det är aningen svårt när nerverna sitter utanpå kroppen. Men jag gillar resfeber. Det är ju beviset på att man ska ut och äventyra igen! Själv ser jag inte fram emot ännu en morgon av väckarklockan Pixie kraffsandes mig i håret. Men hon är för söt för att jag ska kunna bli arg. ♥ Sweet Dreams! ♥
Tags: resa, packa, resfeber, travel, photo, foto, soju, korea, kina
LensDay(4) - Sunshine

Theme: sunshine
Ricefield in Takayama, Japan.

Tags: lensday, takayama, japan, resa, travel, foto, risfält, rice field
The wee CopyCat (Wordless 37)

I'm the fairy godmother to this little sweet pea who always seem to do what I do! ♥
Tags: wordless wednesday, foto, photo, gudmor, gudbarn, godmother
T is for Tree Tower

Fortunately there were no elks nor hunters within sight that day! Good thing for a vegetarian like myself!
Tags: abc wednesday, jakttorn, tower, nature, natur, forest, foto, photo, nybro, sweden
Electro Wonders!
In The Making of a Mix Tape! |
No travel is complete without the perfect mixed tape. Been putting songs on my mp3 player off and on all day. Then deleted some of them.. only to put them back again.. to delete them again. Yup it is a hard job getting it right. Specially for me since I only got 560mb to fill. I'm one of those rare people that absolutely hates portable music machines with tons and tons of space. I had a 30gb once but sold it on eBay since all it did was stressing me out. One has to look for ages to find that special song one wants to hear among the few hundred cds I had on it. Drove me insane. Got rid of it and got the 560mb instead. Perfect for me. It carries about 100songs. I put the best of the best 100 tunes on it and that is me sorted for the trip. And what really made my evening was the fact that I got my hands on Presets and Cut Copy's new albums. Also found a new electro club wonder man - Mr Jacques Renault.. and his other project Runaway.. and as if good things wouldnt end one of them linked their MySpace profile to Zshare for free download of the whole album. And the other one was to be found on RCRD LBL - also free downloads! Best part - it is legal downloads! Me ♥ the Internet! |
Cut Copy
The Presets
Tags: presets, cut copy, jacques renault, myspace, lagliga nerladdningar, musik, youtube, file sharing
Upp - Tisdagstema nr 8

Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building No 1:
243m över marken (797 ft above ground).
2-8-1, Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Tags: tisdagstema, tokyo metropolitan government buildings, japan, tokyo, foto, photo, resa, travel
Bridge - Tuesday Challenge

Theme: Bridge

Tags: tuesday challenge, shimonoseki, japan, kanmon straits, bridge, foto, photo, resa, travel
Evil Art - Wordless 36
Geez, me is knackered. Had a movie-marathon with my flatmate but only the first movie was any good.. the sequel, no 3 & no 4 was .. well.. absolute shite would be an understatement! We watched the early 90s classic Tremors with my childhood crush Kevin Bacon. Such a good film.. haha.. but I cannot even find words to describe the other ones.. Let's just say we didnt finish any of them...
Spent all day with my travelbuddy .. getting things sorted for the weekend's departure to China.. Later on, around 7.30pm, me the flatmate went to 'Bo01' for a dip in the sea.. water was freezing but it was kinda nice to get cooled off.. today was rather bloody hot..
Now me is off to bed. Sweet dreams to all! ♥
Ack ack ack så trött jag är. Precis avslutat ett filmmaraton - den gamla godingen 'Hotet från underjorden' med min gamla barndoms-favvis Kevin Bacon. Fan vad jag tyckte han va en goding en gång i tiden. FIck lite nostalgi. Tror jag måste se footloose snart! ;) Dock var uppföljaren till 'Hotet...' sanslöst dålig. Trean och fyran.. tja.. rent skräp vore en grov underdrift. Vi klarade inte se färdigt någon av dem. Och det är inte ofta det händer. Jag kan oftast stå ut genom det mesta - men här var måttet rågat. Tvåan va iallafall så B att den blev rolig.. urgammal teknik a la Commodore 64 som ska verka lide high tech.. sånt är underhållande.. Men de andra 2.. oj oj oj.. pinsamt är ordet!
Hela förmiddagen och eftermiddagen tillbringade jag med min reskamrat. Vi sprang runt stan för att fixa saker inför avresa på lördag. Och när hon skulle käka middag med sin mamma så gick jag hem men bara för att bli utdragen igen av min kombo som ville ner till Bo01 för att bada. Så vi plockade upp några folköl på vägen och cyklade sen ner till havet. Det var askallt men väldigt avkylande efter en så het dag.
Nu ska jag nanna. Så trött! Sov sött! ♥

Oh yeah - hat wearing Bacon in the 90s! ;o)
Pic source:
Tags: tremors, bo01, malmö, nostalgi, trötthet, bada, malmo
Wordless - Ordlös (36)
Spegling (LinsBuS)


Tags: linsbus, malmö, speglingar, foto, photos of malmo
Odd Shot on Cockburn St

A man or one of the infamous scottish ghosts?

Tags: odd shots, edinburgh, scotland, resa, foto, photo
Wordless - Ordlös (35)

Me likes to play with clay - and me also likes big shapes!!!
This is the small version - I later cut (and hammered) out a huge one in plaster.
Tags: wordless wednesday, art, konst, skulptur, sculpture, clay, foto, photo
Makten över tonfisken |
Livet som vegetarian går som smort. Mycket bättre än jag trodde. Jag förväntade mig samma hårda jobb som förr... minns mina fyra år utan kött och fisk som ett konstant slit för att få i mig vad jag behövde. Vilket jag till slut inte klarade och den dagen jag började svimma på jobb var den dagen jag återgick till köttäteri. Att gå till en dietist och lära mig om vegetarisk kost var på tok för jobbigt. Men nu är saker annorlunda. Marknaden av icke-kött produkter har exploderat och man kan ju idag hitta nästan allt. När t o m vegetarisk bacon finns på menyn - ja då kan det inte gå fel. Anledningen till att jag känner mig så upprymd över detta är att jag känner att jag klarat det stora testet. I helgen var jag o sister på ICA och de sålde finfin tonfisk för 15spänn paketet. Jag fick ett återfall och lade ner två, sen tre paket i korgen. Mmm.. det vattnades i munnen. Grillad tonfisk. Och var den riktigt fin skulle jag t o m våga mig på att göra nån bit sushi. Så gick jag runt med den röda döda fisken i korgen och kände mig plötsligt inte alls glad. Jag skämdes. Så jag tog ut ett paket. Sen ett till. Men behöll en för att ge till min roomie. Men vid kassan så åkte den också bort. Jag kunde inte köpa den. Att tonfisken var galet billig gjorde inte saken rätt för det. Ville roomien ha tonfisk så fick han springa ner och handla själv. Mitt samvete klarade det inte. Och jag stoltserade ut ur affären. Jag hade vänt ryggen åt det som brukade vara min absoluta favoritmat i hela världen och det kändes så jävla bra (ursäkta svordomen). Kan jag motstå tonfisk så kan jag minsann motstå allt! Inget återfall i slutänden utan tvärtom, mer styrka än förr! Och ingen skam över dubbelmoralen att äta ett djur men inte ett annat i maggropen. Finfint! Promenerade hem och bakade bröd.. sen grillade jag zucchini, och aubergine i ugnen.. och till detta keso, skivade tomater, hummus och olivtapenade. Och vet ni.. jag tror att den måltiden slog vilken tonfiskrätt som helst. För med gott samvete som extra krydda på maten - ja då smakar även det enklaste rent himmelskt! ♥ |
Life as a vegetarian is going well. When I about a month ago decided to go back to being a veggie I though it was going to be hard. But I just couldnt live with having double standrads. My favourite food in the world is sushi and don't get me started on seared tuna or grilled swordfish. But I couldn't defend eating fish and at the same time support WWF, WSPA or any other animalprotection organisation. Creatures in the sea are just as threatend as the cute and furry creatures on land.
I remembered life without meat or fish being such hard work. The importance of eating right not to get sick from example lack of proteins. That was the reason I started to eat meat and fish after 4 years as a vegetarian. I fainted at work and was always pale and gloomy. But things has changed. The market of non-meat products has expanded greatly and there's tons to chose from. Sausages, burgers, 'mea'tballs, quornfillets, mince.. even veggie-bacon, kebab and sliced turkey to put on a sandwich.. Nowdays it's a piece of cake staying away from meat and fish. And my favourite sushi spot in the city makes the best vegetarian sushi platter.
The reason I'm over-excited about this whole matter is because the other day the local supermarket had tuna fillets to a silly low price. And they looked good.. dark red.. mmm.. tuna sashimi.. or grilled with a cold ginger and glasnoodle sallad.. I knew my flatmate would have loved me to buy some home.. And I even had a couple of packs in my basket. But in the end I just couldn't. Just because they were mentally cheap didn't make it right to buy them.. I put them back and it felt great! If I can resist bloodred juicy tuna - I can resist anything!

Bye bye fishy

Hello veggie platter!
Tags: vegetarian, mat, djurrätt, food, animal rights